Python的创造者Guido在最近一篇关于为什么Python里没有 Tail Recurssion Elimination (暂译:尾递归优化)的文章中提到一个我们可能经常听到的观点“真正的程序员一般不用递归”。
Third, I don’t believe in recursion as the basis of all programming. This is a fundamental belief of certain computer scientists, especially those who love Scheme and like to teach programming by starting with a “cons” cell and recursion. But to me, seeing recursion as the basis of everything else is just a nice theoretical approach to fundamental mathematics (turtles all the way down), not a day-to-day tool.
翻译:(第三点)我不认为递归是编程的基础。递归是一些计算机科学家们,尤其是那些热爱Scheme (lisp的一支)和喜欢用‘cons’ 来教表头表尾和递归的人们。但是对我(Guido)来说,递归只是一些为基础数学研究而存在的理论手段(例如分形几何学),而不是日常的编程工具。
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