Linus大婶在slashdot上回答一些编程爱好者的提问,其中一个人问他什么样的代码是他所喜好的,大婶表述了自己一些观点之后,举了一个指针的例子,解释了什么才是core low-level coding。
“At the opposite end of the spectrum, I actually wish more people understood the really core low-level kind of coding. Not big, complex stuff like the lockless name lookup, but simply good use of pointers-to-pointers etc. For example, I’ve seen too many people who delete a singly-linked list entry by keeping track of the “prev” entry, and then to delete the entry, doing something like。(在这段话的最后,我实际上希望更多的人了解什么是真正的核心底层代码。这并不像无锁文件名查询(注:可能是git源码里的设计)那样庞大、复杂,只是仅仅像诸如使用二级指针那样简单的技术。例如,我见过很多人在删除一个单项链表的时候,维护了一个”prev”表项指针,然后删除当前表项,就像这样)”
if (prev)
prev->next = entry->next;
list_head = entry->next;
and whenever I see code like that, I just go “This person doesn’t understand pointers”. And it’s sadly quite common.(当我看到这样的代码时,我就会想“这个人不了解指针”。令人难过的是这太常见了。)
People who understand pointers just use a “pointer to the entry pointer”, and initialize that with the address of the list_head. And then as they traverse the list, they can remove the entry without using any conditionals, by just doing a “*pp = entry->next”. (了解指针的人会使用链表头的地址来初始化一个“指向节点指针的指针”。当遍历链表的时候,可以不用任何条件判断(注:指prev是否为链表头)就能移除某个节点,只要写)
*pp = entry->next
So there’s lots of pride in doing the small details right. It may not be big and important code, but I do like seeing code where people really thought about the details, and clearly also were thinking about the compiler being able to generate efficient code (rather than hoping that the compiler is so smart that it can make efficient code *despite* the state of the original source code). (纠正细节是令人自豪的事。也许这段代码并非庞大和重要,但我喜欢看那些注重代码细节的人写的代码,也就是清楚地了解如何才能编译出有效代码(而不是寄望于聪明的编译器来产生有效代码,即使是那些原始的汇编代码))。
如果我们需要写一个remove_if(link*, rm_cond_func*)的函数,也就是传入一个单向链表,和一个自定义的是否删除的函数,然后返回处理后的链接。
typedef struct node
struct node * next;
} node;
typedef bool ( remove_fn)(node const v);
// Remove all nodes from the supplied list for which the
// supplied remove function returns true.
// Returns the new head of the list.
node remove_if(node head, remove_fn rm)
for (node prev = NULL, curr = head; curr != NULL; )
node * const next = curr->next;
if (rm(curr))
if (prev)
prev->next = next;
head = next;
prev = curr;
curr = next;
return head;
这里remove_fn由调用查提供的一个是否删除当前实体结点的函数指针,其会判断删除条件是否成立。这段代码维护了两个节点指针prev和curr,标准的教科书写法——删除当前结点时,需要一个previous的指针,并且还要这里还需要做一个边界条件的判断——curr是否为链表头。于是,要删除一个节点(不是表头),只要将前一个节点的next指向当前节点的next指向的对象,即下一个节点(即:prev->next = curr->next),然后释放当前节点。
但在Linus看来,这是不懂指针的人的做法。那么,什么是core low-level coding呢?那就是有效地利用二级指针,将其作为管理和操作链表的首要选项。代码如下:
void remove_if(node ** head, remove_fn rm)
for (node* curr = head; curr; )
node entry = curr;
if (rm(entry))
*curr = entry->next;
curr = &entry->next;
删除节点是表头的情况,输入参数中传入head的二级指针,在for循环里将其初始化curr,然后entry就是head(curr),我们马上删除它,那么第8行就等效于head = (head)->next,就是删除表头的实现。
1)(第12行)如果不删除当前结点 —— curr保存的是当前结点next指针的地址。
2)(第5行) entry 保存了 *curr —— 这意味着在下一次循环:entry就是prev->next指针所指向的内存。
3)(第8行)删除结点:*curr = entry->next; —— 于是:prev->next 指向了 entry -> next;
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