一说起Unix编程,不必多说,最著名的系统调用就是fork,pipe,exec,kill或是socket了(fork(2), execve(2), pipe(2), socketpair(2), select(2), kill(2), sigaction(2))这些系统调用都像是Unix编程的胎记或签名一样,表明着它来自于Unix。
下面这篇文章,将向大家展示Unix下最经典的socket的编程例子——使用fork + socket来创建一个TCP/IP的服务程序。这个编程模式很简单,首先是创建Socket,然后把其绑定在某个IP和Port上上侦听连接,接下来的一般做法是使用一个fork创建一个client服务进程再加上一个死循环用于处理和client的交互。这个模式是Unix下最经典的Socket编程例子。
- A simple preforking echo server in C.
* - Building:
* - $ gcc -Wall -o echo echo.c
* - Usage:
* - $ ./echo
* - ~ then in another terminal ... ~
* - $ echo 'Hello, world!' | nc localhost 4242
include <unistd.h> / fork, close /
include <stdlib.h> / exit /
include <string.h> / strlen /
include <stdio.h> / perror, fdopen, fgets /
include <sys/socket.h>
include <sys/wait.h> / waitpid /
include <netdb.h> / getaddrinfo /
define die(msg) do { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (0)
define PORT "4242"
define MAXLEN 1024
int readline(int fd, char *buf, int maxlen); // forward declaration
main(int argc, char** argv)
int i, n, sockfd, clientfd;
int yes = 1; // used in setsockopt(2)
struct addrinfo *ai;
struct sockaddr_in *client;
socklen_t client_t;
pid_t cpid; // child pid
char line[MAXLEN];
char cpid_s[32];
char welcome[32];
/ Create a socket and get its file descriptor -- socket(2) /
sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sockfd == -1) {
die("Couldn't create a socket");
/ Prevents those dreaded "Address already in use" errors /
if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const void *)&yes, sizeof(int)) == -1) {
die("Couldn't setsockopt");
/ Fill the address info struct (host + port) -- getaddrinfo(3) /
if (getaddrinfo(NULL, PORT, NULL, &ai) != 0) {
die("Couldn't get address");
/ Assign address to this socket's fd /
if (bind(sockfd, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen) != 0) {
die("Couldn't bind socket to address");
/ Free the memory used by our address info struct /
/ Mark this socket as able to accept incoming connections /
if (listen(sockfd, 10) == -1) {
die("Couldn't make socket listen");
/ Fork you some child processes. /
for (i = 0; i < NUM_CHILDREN; i++) {
cpid = fork();
if (cpid == -1) {
die("Couldn't fork");
if (cpid == 0) { // We're in the child ...
for (;;) { // Run forever ...
/ Necessary initialization for accept(2) /
client_t = sizeof client;
/ Blocks! /
clientfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&client, &client_t);
if (clientfd == -1) {
die("Couldn't accept a connection");
/ Send a welcome message/prompt /
bzero(cpid_s, 32);
bzero(welcome, 32);
sprintf(cpid_s, "%d", getpid());
sprintf(welcome, "Child %s echo> ", cpid_s);
send(clientfd, welcome, strlen(welcome), 0);
/ Read a line from the client socket ... /
n = readline(clientfd, line, MAXLEN);
if (n == -1) {
die("Couldn't read line from connection");
/ ... and echo it back /
send(clientfd, line, n, 0);
/ Clean up the client socket /
/ Sit back and wait for all child processes to exit /
while (waitpid(-1, NULL, 0) > 0);
/ Close up our socket /
return 0;
- Simple utility function that reads a line from a file descriptor fd,
- up to maxlen bytes -- ripped from Unix Network Programming, Stevens.
readline(int fd, char *buf, int maxlen)
int n, rc;
char c;
for (n = 1; n < maxlen; n++) {
if ((rc = read(fd, &c, 1)) == 1) {
*buf++ = c;
if (c == '\n')
} else if (rc == 0) {
if (n == 1)
return 0; // EOF, no data read
break; // EOF, read some data
} else
return -1; // error
*buf = '\0'; // null-terminate
return n;
simple preforking echo server in Ruby
require 'socket'
Create a socket, bind it to localhost:4242, and start listening.
Runs once in the parent; all forked children inherit the socket's
file descriptor.
acceptor = Socket.new(Socket::AF_INET, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0)
address = Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(4242, 'localhost')
Close the socket when we exit the parent or any child process. This
only closes the file descriptor in the calling process, it does not
take the socket out of the listening state (until the last fd is
The trap is guaranteed to happen, and guaranteed to happen only
once, right before the process exits for any reason (unless
it's terminated with a SIGKILL).
trap('EXIT') { acceptor.close }
Fork you some child processes. In the parent, the call to fork
returns immediately with the pid of the child process; fork never
returns in the child because we exit at the end of the block.
3.times do
fork do
# now we're in the child process; trap (Ctrl-C) interrupts and
# exit immediately instead of dumping stack to stderr.
trap('INT') { exit }
puts "child #$$ accepting on shared socket (localhost:4242)"
loop {
# This is where the magic happens. accept(2) blocks until a
# new connection is ready to be dequeued.
socket, addr = acceptor.accept
socket.write "child #$$ echo> "
message = socket.gets
socket.write message
puts "child #$$ echo'd: '#{message.strip}'"
Trap (Ctrl-C) interrupts, write a note, and exit immediately
in parent. This trap is not inherited by the forks because it
runs after forking has commenced.
trap('INT') { puts "\nbailing" ; exit }
Sit back and wait for all child processes to exit.
Simple preforking echo server in Python.
import os
import sys
import socket
Create a socket, bind it to localhost:4242, and start
listening. Runs once in the parent; all forked children
inherit the socket's file descriptor.
acceptor = socket.socket()
acceptor.bind(('localhost', 4242))
Ryan's Ruby code here traps EXIT and closes the socket. This
isn't required in Python; the socket will be closed when the
socket object gets garbage collected.
Fork you some child processes. In the parent, the call to
fork returns immediately with the pid of the child process;
fork never returns in the child because we exit at the end
of the block.
for i in range(3):
pid = os.fork()
# os.fork() returns 0 in the child process and the child's
# process id in the parent. So if pid == 0 then we're in
# the child process.
if pid == 0:
# now we're in the child process; trap (Ctrl-C)
# interrupts by catching KeyboardInterrupt) and exit
# immediately instead of dumping stack to stderr.
childpid = os.getpid()
print "Child %s listening on localhost:4242" % childpid
while 1:
# This is where the magic happens. accept(2)
# blocks until a new connection is ready to be
# dequeued.
conn, addr = acceptor.accept()
# For easier use, turn the socket connection
# into a file-like object.
flo = conn.makefile()
flo.write('Child %s echo> ' % childpid)
message = flo.readline()
print "Child %s echo'd: %r" % \
(childpid, message.strip())
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Sit back and wait for all child processes to exit.
Trap interrupts, write a note, and exit immediately in
parent. This trap is not inherited by the forks because it
runs after forking has commenced.
os.waitpid(-1, 0)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "\nbailing"
use 5.010;
use strict;
simple preforking echo server in Perl
use Proc::Fork;
use IO::Socket::INET;
sub strip { s/\A\s+//, s/\s+\z// for my @r = @_; @r }
Create a socket, bind it to localhost:4242, and start listening.
Runs once in the parent; all forked children inherit the socket's
file descriptor.
my $acceptor = IO::Socket::INET->new(
LocalPort => 4242,
Reuse => 1,
Listen => 10,
) or die "Couln't start server: $!\n";
Close the socket when we exit the parent or any child process. This
only closes the file descriptor in the calling process, it does not
take the socket out of the listening state (until the last fd is
END { $acceptor->close }
Fork you some child processes. The code after the run_fork block runs
in all process, but because the child block ends in an exit call, only
the parent executes the rest of the program. If a parent block were
specified here, it would be invoked in the parent only, and passed the
PID of the child process.
for ( 1 .. 3 ) {
run_fork { child {
while (1) {
my $socket = $acceptor->accept;
$socket->printflush( "child $$ echo> " );
my $message = $socket->getline;
$socket->print( $message );
say "child $$ echo'd: '${\strip $message}'";
} }
Trap (Ctrl-C) interrupts, write a note, and exit immediately
in parent. This trap is not inherited by the forks because it
runs after forking has commenced.
$SIG{ 'INT' } = sub { print "bailing\n"; exit };
Sit back and wait for all child processes to exit.
1 while 0 < waitpid -1, 0;
Simple preforking echo server in PHP.
Russell Beattie (russellbeattie.com)
/ Allow the script to hang around waiting for connections. /
Create a socket, bind it to localhost:4242, and start
listening. Runs once in the parent; all forked children
inherit the socket's file descriptor.
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
socket_bind($socket,'localhost', 4242);
socket_listen($socket, 10);
pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, 'shutdown');
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, 'shutdown');
function shutdown($signal){
global $socket;
Fork you some child processes. In the parent, the call to
fork returns immediately with the pid of the child process;
fork never returns in the child because we exit at the end
of the block.
for($x = 1; $x <= 3; $x++){
$pid = pcntl_fork();
# pcntl_fork() returns 0 in the child process and the child's
# process id in the parent. So if $pid == 0 then we're in
# the child process.
if($pid == 0){
$childpid = posix_getpid();
echo "Child $childpid listening on localhost:4242 \n";
# This is where the magic happens. accept(2)
# blocks until a new connection is ready to be
# dequeued.
$conn = socket_accept($socket);
$message = socket_read($conn,1000,PHP_NORMAL_READ);
socket_write($conn, "Child $childpid echo> $message");
echo "Child $childpid echo'd: $message \n";
Trap interrupts, write a note, and exit immediately in
parent. This trap is not inherited by the forks because it
runs after forking has commenced.
pcntl_waitpid(-1, $status);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "bailing \n";
import Network
import Prelude hiding ((-))
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import Control.Applicative
import System.Posix
import System.Exit
import System.Posix.Signals
main :: IO ()
main = with =<< (listenOn - PortNumber 4242) where
with socket = do
replicateM 3 - forkProcess work
work = do
installHandler sigINT (Catch trap_int) Nothing
pid <- show <$> getProcessID
puts - "child " ++ pid ++ " accepting on shared socket (localhost:4242)"
forever - do
(h, _, _) <- accept socket
let write = hPutStr h
flush = hFlush h
getline = hGetLine h
close = hClose h
write - "child " ++ pid ++ " echo> "
message <- getline
write - message ++ "\n"
puts - "child " ++ pid ++ " echo'd: '" ++ message ++ "'"
wait = forever - do
( const () <$> getAnyProcessStatus True True ) catch const trap_exit
trap_int = exitImmediately ExitSuccess
trap_exit = do
puts "\nbailing"
sClose socket
puts = putStrLn
(-) = ($)
infixr 0 -
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